Although you don’t have a cashier scanning your purchases, the SCO (self-checkout) system is easier than the conventional checkout method. Yes, you can use your WIC card benefits at Walmart self-checkout. Can you Use WIC at Walmart Self-Checkout? If a product isn’t WIC eligible, you’ll need to pay for it separately with cash, credit card with smart chip, debit card, PayPal, Walmart gift cards, EBT, Chase Pay, and Affirm buy now pay later financing. Give the cashier or self-checkout your WIC card.Have the cashier process WIC eligible products first.Separate WIC items from other purchases in your cart.Check if your local supercenter takes the WIC card by calling or checking online. WIC Cards can only be used at Walmart stores that participate in the WIC program. See our guide on whether Trader Joe’s takes EBT and WIC.